Monday, November 5, 2012

Remember, remember...

I've been considering starting a blog for quite awhile now. Today's the day.

I'm 23 weeks pregnant. It seriously feels like I peed on the stick yesterday, and woke up today with a big belly that tends to kind of do it's own thing. In fact, as I'm typing, I feel my little one wiggling and moving. It's dark in my apartment and my computer screen is illuminating my belly- I see my little one bulging my belly outward every now and again. It's terrifying and exciting and amazing all at once.

At first during this pregnancy, I felt nervous. And then I felt nothing, for awhile. I was pregnant, but I couldn't feel the baby move. I didn't look pregnant. It was as if nothing had changed.
I was afraid it would stay that way.
But every day, my belly got bigger, and at around 14 weeks pregnant, my morning sickness disappeared and I started feeling tiny movements. Contrary to what I thought it would be... it wasn't life changing. It didn't surprise me. It did change how I feel about myself, though.
I feel pride in my body that wasn't there before. I love it for the things it can do, even more than I used to. I feel a spiritual sort of fascination when I think of what's happening inside me at this very moment. (That blog post is going to happen another day.)

A few weeks ago, Dave finally felt our baby kick. I think, at that moment, it was real to him. Before that, it was just a state I was in. After, the child growing inside me was a real, tiny person.
Today, I'm thankful for the love Dave and I have for each other... And the fact that it's big enough to include another little person. <3

In closing- V for Vendetta. Watch it!

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